
Erudus is a market leading source of allergy, nutrition and technical data, populated by the UK’s food industry.


In 2014 the EU passed critical legislation on food labelling, and so Erudus was formed to ease the pressures on the wider food industry. The business went from strength to strength – and in late 2019-2020, hired Branded by Naomi for a full rebrand and positioning.

We worked with key stakeholders, and the team at Erudus for six months – with the aim to build a brand that really lived up to, and elevated their fantastic services. A brand that enabled them to approach any manufacturer or retailer giant with confidence.

Our strategic approach was to empower and unite their audience: the UK food industry. Erudus now proudly brings together, and speaks directly to the four main supplier groups; Manufacturers, Wholesalers, Retailers and Caterers.


Our team


Our work


Verbal brand identity

  • Vision, Mission, Values, Personality

  • Key messaging

Visual brand identity

  • Brand Guidelines: Logo(s) and usage, Colour, Typography, Illustration, Iconography.

  • Illustration library

  • Stationery

  • Office interiors
    (work in progress / on hold during the pandemic)

  • Exterior signage

  • Digital template designs


  • Web IA & Design:

  • Website copywriting

  • Art direction

  • Project + print management


Web development: Erudus


Strapline + Purpose


Snapshot of Brand Guidelines


Colour palette


Full redesign, copywriting + architecture of


It was a real pleasure to work with Naomi & Rose. They very quickly they became an extension to our team, sharing their expertise and offering guidance at every turn making what we perceived as an extremely large and daunting task really straight forward and very exciting!

Seeing all the individual elements come together was quite a journey, and the real value for me personally – was Naomi explaining the how and why behind the decisions.

Naomi challenged us to think differently and objectively, showed great patience and walked us through the whole rebrand process.


We’ve arrived at a brand that we are truly proud of and gives us the confidence, functionality to showcase our services and open up to new sectors.

I have no doubt that our new image and competitor difference will open doors for us long in to the future.

Jon Shayler, CEO at Erudus


Why we wanted to work with Erudus

From day one of discussions with Erudus, we could see the vast potential for a full rebrand after 5 years of their proving the business.

It now deserved a brand that stood up to their fantastic work in allowing the UK food industry to communicate simply and clearly. To ensure food data is accessible, continuously measured and that every person (whether business or consumer) has access to 100% of the data around every food product or recipe they come into contact with.

As much as Erudus is a B2B service, we couldn’t help but be blown away by the direct effect that Erudus has on the safety and awareness of the general public – specifically allergy sufferers.

Being super affordable to everyone in the food-supply chain, the business model is a prime example of how to support an entire industry with social-good at its heart, without unnecessary financial greed.


Branded by Naomi, Rose, & James.


Interested in Erudus?


Whether you’re an allergy sufferer yourself, or are interested in working with Erudus, you can find out much more here…



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