
SoPost is an ‘invisible sampling partner’ for brands. Getting sample-sized products to the right customers – by ordering online and receiving through the post.


We worked with the team at SoPost for 8 weeks in early 2018. Running independent interviews with stakeholders and staff members to ensure their decision to rebrand was effective throughout all aspects of the business.

SoPost are brilliantly ‘silent’ with what they do. Building intuitive, data-safe processes for brands to connect with their customers – all whilst supporting the brands own look and feel.

So our work here was unique: We needed to build a brand that would impress and reassure leading brands; avoid any conflict of interest between those brands or products; whilst plainly explaining and advertising their services.

We did this by creating their lead proposition of;
Your invisible sampling partner. We get your products into the right hands.’ paired with a full, flexible library of generic – but informative – products, and hands. (Hands and products can be endlessly interchanged).

Case-study products are always led by illustrated content (over photography/realism being used) – ensuring client confidentiality and ownership.

And by putting an agreement in place with our partner illustrator Kingsley Nebechi – we ensure SoPost is fully future-proofed.


Our work


  • Logo(s)

  • Brand Guidelines: Logo usage, Colour, Typography, Illustration, Iconography.

  • Brand asset library

  • Digital template designs


  • Brand strategy

  • Art direction of Illustration

  • Web Design: Initial design templates delivered (for SoPosts evolution and launch in 2019;


Illustration: Kingsley Nebechi


Naomi is one of the few that actually understand at a deep level exactly what branding is, why it exists and how and where it should be used.

We wanted to work with Naomi because we knew we needed a brand that was both: built on a solid foundation – so we could evolve it; and that was properly orientated in the space we operate in.


Naomi was able to get under the surface into the unspoken requirements in a way that felt natural, confident and valuable. There was always forward momentum and it was always clear where the process was, where it was headed and (most importantly) why it was headed there.

Jamie Curle
, Chief Technical Officer at SoPost


Primary palette


Secondary palette


Paired-Skintone palette


The work Naomi did around requirements gathering and the refinement of everyone’s input – later went into shaping our cultural values.

Jamie Curle
, Chief Technical Officer at SoPost


Why we wanted to work with SoPost

We freely admit – SoPost isn’t our usual client with social impact at its core… so what’s the story?

Back in 2001, Naomi studied Multimedia Design at university with Jamie Curle – SoPost’s co-founder (and data-dev genius) – and are long-term friends.

In Jamie’s words on our first day consulting in-office “Finally. I’ve only been waiting 10+ years for this!”

But it’s not only about friendships. SoPost have created many job opportunities within our base here in Newcastle upon Tyne – and their product offering, the development of, and all the staff behind it are truly inspiring.

We’re so very happy we got a little window in, to their ‘brilliantly silent’ work. We hope our brand-system can see them into the next 10 years, and beyond!


Branded by Naomi and Kingsley


Interested in Sopost?


SoPost are always looking for talented people to work in their Commercial and Platform teams. Check out their career opportunities in London and Newcastle…



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